Masterline Mouse / Insect Glue Board Traps 72 Count Box Catch Mice Insects Scorpions Spiders Centipedes Lizards Etc. made by Atlantic Paste Just Like Catchmaster ~~ Trampas De Goma Pre Cebades Para Ratones (mice) y Insectos (insects) Overview
Made by atlantic paste same as the popular Catchmaster glue boards. MasterLine non-poisonous glue trap for mice and insects provides strong performance and value. MasterLine uses unique prebaited glue formulations that are vigorously tested to ensure maximum holding power for the highest possible capture rates. Strict standards ensure the highest quality glues every time. This versatile trap has many uses. The glue formulation is effective against mice or insects. MasterLine glue boards can be used as a flat trap or folded into a covered trap depending on the application. The easier to remove release paper saves time and hassles providing the fastest, easiest system compared to other peel-off glue traps. Each Board is 7 3/4 inches by 5 1/2 inches the actually glue area is 6 1/2 inches by 4 1/2 inches

Product Features
- For Sale By Pestcontrolpross.. Please See Pestcontrolpross Amazon store for Many More Pest Control Products as well as the Catchmaster Peanut Butter Scented Glue Boards..
- Target pests: Mice and small insects such as spiders scorpions centipedes etc.. ~~ If you have rats ( ratas ) purchase the T-rex snap traps or catchmaster rat glue board trays
- Please se my amazon store for many more pest control products.. I am a small online only company. All my competitor are large retail stores that use amazon and other sites to unload their aged product. I never do that. I get new product 2 to 4 times a week. stickly online. I never have overstock that needs to be unloaded unlike all my competition.
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- PestControlPross is an independent company and distributor of pest control products. Pest Control Pros can not warranty or guarantee the safety of the products listed on our website as this solely lies with the manufacturer of the product. Products sold on this site are sold throughout the world and it is impossible to know every licensing restriction or requirements, product registration, etc. for every country, state, county, city, province, etc. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser and the end user to provide a license, permit, registration or whatever is required by their local or state authorities to purchase said product.